a book you purchased and read recently

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a book you purchased and read recently

Post by paperheart »

Talk about a book that you purchased and read recently. Please say

- Where and when did you buy it?
- What is the book about?
- Did you like reading it?
a book.mp3
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Re: a book you purchased and read recently

Post by lmoore »

Hi, Paperheart,
You speak very clearly and with little accent. I would encourage you to work on the /th/ sound by putting your tongue between your teeth when you say words like “that” because it sounds like you’re saying “dat.” When you said “this,” the /th/ at the beginning sounded good, but the middle part of the word sounded like /ee/ instead of /i/, like in “dig.” When you said the word “additionally,” you put the accent on the first “A,” but the accent needs to go on the first “I,” so the word sounds like “aDItionally.”
Other notes:
- stick to each other – stick WITH each other
- I enjoy reading this storybook. – I enjoyed reading this novel.
- manages to use different kind of fiction writing style to attract the book lovers – manages to use different kinds of writing styles (or do you mean a unique writing style?) to attract booklovers. Please expound on this because you don’t mention it in the rest of your speech, and your speech is short. It sounds like you just throw this in without offering examples or explanation.
Best wishes as you practice!
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