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Essay on Museums Task 2 - Exam on 23rd of January - Please Assess

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:27 pm
by adnanaadil
Many museums charge for admission while others are free.
Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Museums are an important part of our society, which represents our culture and focuses on our history. There are different types of museums, for instance a history museum or a science museum. Some of these places charge an admission fee, while there are others that do not. In my opinion, there are more advantages to keep an admission fee, rather than keeping it free.

There are two important reasons for my point of view. Firstly, most museums are quite extravagant and maintenance of these extraordinary places can be expensive. If a premium is charged for people to visit these unique places, it becomes easier for the management to make the necessary changes and keep it up-to-date. Secondly, there will be an optimum amount of people to visit the museums at any given time. If an admission fee is incurred, it will be mostly enthusiasts and people who are interested in art, history and culture.

However, the only disadvantage on charging an entrance fee might be that it can be very high in certain places. Although, it might be necessary but not everyone will be able to afford the expense. Those students who are interested in research or would like to add knowledge to their arsenal would be deprived of these museums.

In conclusion, as you can see the advantages of charging a few museums does outweigh the disadvantages. However, the cost should be kept reasonable for those who cannot afford it. In addition, free admission passes to school students should also be offered.