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Please kindly value my task2-Causes and solutions for consumption of natural resources

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:49 am
by jennylfm
Depletion of the world’s natural resources including oil and fresh water is rising at a dangerous speed, it is mainly because of the population boom around the world. This will be proved prior to the potential solutions to mitigate this trend.

To begin with, the increasing population around the world, especially in many developing countries from south Asia and Africa, is considered the most important cause for this phenomenon. With the population rising, the consumption for these natural resources would increase naturally. Take fresh water for example, it is the necessity for people to survive. With the increase of the people’s size, the consumption of fresh water would rise. Additionally, as to meet the demand of people, industrial companies need more energy such as oil to manufacture more products. Consequently, the depletion of resources accelerates.

Clearly actions need to be taken to combat this problem. One thing is to adopt the birth control policy around the world as China does, particularly in developing countries, which is beneficial to reduce the increase of the overall population in the long run, as a consequence, the consumption of natural resources would be decreased dramatically. However, this method is time-consuming and may take few decades to get the desired results. The other potential approach is to enhance people’s awareness about the limitation of natural resources and educate them to take actions in their daily lives. For instance, shutting down their computers after usage, turning off the lamps when going out and recycling fresh water for several time. These actions seem trivial, but really matter for the reduction of consumption. Most importantly, they are more efficient.

In conclusion, the depletion of the world’s natural resources will continue to increase due to the rising population in the world in the future. However, there are no excuses to take any actions to mitigate the trend, particularly that the natural resources are limited. Birth control policy and enhancement of people’s sense would help to reduce the consumption dramatically.

Re: Please kindly value my task2-Causes and solutions for consumption of natural resources

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:27 pm
by jennylfm
Sorry, I forgot to add the topic.
Consumption of the world’s resources(such as oil, fresh water, etc) is increasing at a dangerous rate. What are these causes of the increased consumption? what can people do to reduce it?