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Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:17 pm
by Max maximus
`With all the troubles in the world today, money spent on space exploration is a complete waste. The money could be better spent on other things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


      There is always going to be a debate concerning the amount of money that is spent wholly on space exploration. It is often said that scientific studies of this field might provide information that is rather useful and essential for us on earth. However, many are of the opinion that this cannot justify the large quantity of money squandered on space research when there is a great need for it here.


       It is immediately clear that space exploration is worth every penny as it is not just a question of learning the universe. For example, certain individuals claim that space research creates jobs and even might improve lives. Particularly, if countries made a joint expedition into space, it would be much easier and cheaper.

Fortunately, in today's hectic world this is happening more and more, and I think less money overall is being wasted. Thus, we have to keep exploring the space.


       Nevertheless, some opponents of this view believe that all money devoted to the exploration and science of space is a complete waste. For instance, each year, NASA spends about fourteen billion dollars on this field. They contend that if this money spent on space research were donated into health and education programmes and services around the world, many more lives would be significantly enhanced. Moreover, in some countries like Africa basic needs such as food are grossly scarce. It is highly probable that if this money were subsidised in crop development in distinct parts of the globe, we could save vulnerable lives in those parts where people regularly suffer from widespread famine. It is quite hard to argue against these harsh criticisms.


        All things considered, I think authorities need to achieve a balance between how much money is allocated for space and how much money is invested into resolving issues here on earth. Providing that cautions are taken, space travel will be gained even for less money.       


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:40 pm
by Flick
Max maximus wrote:`With all the troubles in the world today, money spent on space exploration is a complete waste. The money could be better spent on other things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

      There is always going to be a debate concerning the amount of money that is spent wholly on space exploration. It is often said that scientific studies in this field might provide information that is rather useful and essential for us on Earth. However, many are of the opinion that this cannot justify the large quantity of money squandered on space research when there is a great need for it elsewhere

       It is immediately clear that space exploration is worth every penny as it is not just a question of learning about the universe. For example, certain individuals claim that space research creates jobs and even improves lives. Particularly if countries make a joint expedition into space, it is much easier and cheaper.
Fortunately, in today's hectic world this is happening more and more, and I think less money overall is being wasted. Thus, we have to keep exploring the space.

       Nevertheless, some opponents of this view believe that all money devoted to the exploration and study of space is a complete waste. For instance, each year, NASA spends about fourteen billion dollars in this field. They contend that if this money spent on space research were donated to health and education programmes and services around the world, many more lives would be significantly enhanced. Moreover, in some countries like Africa, basic needs such as food are grossly scarce. It is highly probable that if this money were subsidised in crop development in distinct parts of the globe, we could save vulnerable lives in those parts where people regularly suffer from widespread famine. It is quite hard to argue against these harsh criticisms.

        All things considered, I think the authorities need to achieve a balance between how much money is allocated for space and how much money is invested into resolving issues here on Earth. Providing that cautions are taken, space travel will be gained even for less money.(<--I don't understand this sentence.)