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What is your opinion of this letter?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:08 pm
by terry3218
You are going away to travel for the summer. A friend will be looking after your house while you are away. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
- say where you are going
- describe your house
- explain some of the things your friend must do to look after your house.

Dear John,

I hope you’re doing great. I’m writing to fill you in with some details about my house that you’ll be looking after while I’m away on holiday. I’m glad to say I have chosen Jamaica as the destination where I’ll be spending my summer vacations this year.

Since you’ve never been inside my place, I’ll describe it to you to make things a bit easier for you. The condo consists of just 2 bedrooms, and one of them, I use as a store room to keep all the stuff that’s no longer needed immediately. Hence, you’ll be staying in my bedroom. My bedroom has everything you’ll need including TV, internet, Net Flix, etc. And yes, the hot water in the bathroom takes ages to heat up so you might want to turn it on a while before you decide to take a shower. That’s pretty much it about the details of the place.

As you know, my neighborhood is known for burglaries and theft, so I’ll advice you to keep the alarm system activated at all times. The code to the alarm is 8754, and you will have to enter the code twice each time. Another thing, though the maid comes every day to clean the rooms with vacuum cleaner, you’ll still have to empty the trash cans into a larger trash can outside of the house. That’s all for now.

I look forward to seeing you when I return.

Best regards,
