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please I need your marks ( I have to get 7.5 in Writing)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:27 am
by abolik
Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more prons to living in an apartment. Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?

Since the inception of human civilization, some people opt to share the accommodation while others preferred to live in a complete separated house. It is believed for several reasons that houses are more comfortable than apartment. Houses can also provide more privacy and healthy to the residents. While many people argue that, the price of living in houses is almost everywhere more expensive than apartments. Again, it is strongly believed that the long term benefits of house living are convenient enough to tradeoff the high prices. These arguments will be analyzed prior to coming to a reasoned conclusion.
Today, many hold the idea of living in separate house is the best choice even if such choice costs more money. Firstly, the money which is invested in houses will not be wasted. Once the house is sold again the owner will get his money back. For instance, in my country Jordan, the price of houses is steadily increasing every year. Reports say both apartments and houses prices have been doubled in the last 8 years. It is easy to see why living in houses has a lot of support.
Secondly, houses without doubt provide more privacy. Unlike apartments, personal life is less prone to any kind of invasion. Moreover, people who stay in apartments have to share several services with others such as the main entrance, storage area, washing services and others. Houses always provide more freedom to their residents especially by free them from any shared commitments with others. For example, playing basketball at midnight in the house will not affect anyone and could be acceptable while the same behavior could lead to serious consequences and complains.
After hashing out some pros and cons of living in a house, it is believed that the overall quality of life in houses is more than the life quality that apartments bring to us. It is felt that houses in general would be best for families more than individuals. In the next coming year, I hope government will consider this in their future plans.