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Dec 6th - Result delay

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:01 pm
by lakh78
Hello Everyone,

I appeared IELTS on Dec 6th 2014 in Bangalore. I was suppose to receive my result yesterday. But, I didn't. However, I have received this email from BC yesterday which leads to chaos. Does anyone receive same message? Kindly contact me.

My skype id is laxmi_dba.

As part of the quality control procedures designed to protect the integrity
and security of the IELTS test, test results are routinely analysed before
they are issued to candidates.

Unfortunately your result is still being processed so it has not been
possible to analyse it yet. The analysis will be conducted when the
processing of your result is completed.

Please note that it is specified in the Declaration signed by candidates on
the Application Form that there may be occasions when it is necessary to
issue a result more than 13 days after the test.

Note that you would not be able to preview your results online and would
have to wait for the hard copy of results (Test Report Form) to reach you.
In case of any queries, kindly get in touch with us at Please do not reply to this mail.

Please accept our apologies for this delay.

IELTS Test Centre Administrator



Re: Dec 6th - Result delay

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:49 am
by sravan24
you must have got 9 in any module or difference between two bands is more than 2.

this is the criteria they choose to re verify. they do re verification at higher level and re mark you.

it happened with me twice and both the times they screwed my happiness.

Re: Dec 6th - Result delay

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:54 pm
by Eugene1989
Hello lakh78,

if you don't mind me asking, have they released your result? I also had the same email for the exam which was written on the 13th of december, can you please let me know what the outcome of the test was? Please email:

Re: Dec 6th - Result delay

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:58 pm
by Eugene1989
Hello sravan24,

Can you plesase explain more on that email? So if i got 9 9 7 7, does that amount to the email that they sent to me?

Can you also let me know what the situations and final marks were in your two instances?

You can upload the answer on here or email me:


Re: Dec 6th - Result delay

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:18 am
by sravan24
this is what i got..

"Any One 9" -- if you got any one 9 in 4 modules, they will send it for reverification..
"Difference band more than 2" -- like 9-7, 8- that..

in my three attempts my result was held twice for almost 15 days. in these two attempts i am sure i did very well and i received 6.5 in writing or speaking.
and in these two attempts i got 9 in reading and listening.