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Please correct my essay and comment!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:05 pm
by shadynavjot
IELTS- Task 2 Writing Topics 16-12-2013
Essay 1- Smoking is a bad habit and should be abandoned completely worldwide.Give your views in not less than 250 words.
“Stop smoking or die trying” . In today’s human world this is very hasty and stressful so most commonly people have accepted smoking to get rid of that distress. But too much of smoking is injurious to health and it can kill you. In my opinion smoking should be banned because there is only destruction on smokers pathway.

The most important reason is that too much smoking can lead a smoker to cancer. Lung cancer is very dangerous disease, Moreover some patients can afford the cure but some can not and they die cause of it.

The second reason is an addiction to smoking is not so much socially accepted. Moreover a very excessive smoke addict usually does not have good societal status. People who are smoking at home can have a bad impression on their children may be they can start smoking at their early adolescent. For example young smoker ratio has raised in our society.

The last reason is smoking not only injures the smoker but the people around him or her. For instance scientific study is that the smoker is active smoker and people near to him or her are passive smoker and when an active smoker exhale then a passive smoker can inhale that and it is equally dangerous for passive smoker.
To conclude, smoking is not the cure for stress, However it leads to death. People should really accept exercise or any sports activity instead of smoking.

Re: Please correct my essay and comment!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:43 pm
by wasiq
I partially agree to this statement and would like to elaborate with substantial reasons.
Now the literal meaning for culture is a way of life which is maintained by particular group or people irrespective of whether its accepted morally by other inhabitants or not. For instance, India a country which stands 3rd in population as well as cosmopolitan where SATHI movement is practiced in which the wife would put to death soon after their husband is dead not vice versa. This practice looked insane to a modern people. If these absurd activities continue and people strictly force this to their generations, it will soon be a disaster.
Conversely, I truly believe that there are many cultures in which people are trying to educate and make them feel difference in between good and bad which leads the young children to adapt willfully their customs as responsibility. Like a parent who nurtures their children and motivate in education. We can see many scientists, scholars, and teachers, doctors, who are living an exemplary life which in turn helps novice youngsters, are benefitting and can contribute in various fields
Furthermore, Education is a tool through which one can attain his goals. A child must be armed with principles and fundamentals of the purpose of life which could only be possible when he or she is provided by knowledge, morals etc.
I conclude that a culture’s base is all matter where behavior, morality, sincerity lies then if it is the case I must say it should be strictly maintained and pass to the generations.