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Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:50 am
by dashis
The diagram below shows the production of steam using a gas cooled nuclear reactor.

The graph above illustrates the process of a gas cooled nuclear reactor producing steam. It is clear that it is a continuous process in which by using nuclear fuel, gas is heated up to a certain temperature. Then hot gas is released into another chamber, cools down by boiling water and returns back into the system.
This process involves a nuclear reactor and a heat exchanger. Inside the nuclear reactor lies a pressure vessel which contains radioactive fuel, such as uranium. It is placed into graphite moderators to produce nuclear reactions. To control these reactions boron control rods are placed from both sides of the uranium fuel elements. The whole vessel is shielded by a concrete shielding. The heat exchanger contains a water circulator and 2 gas ducts connected to the vessel: one on top for hot gas and one in the bottom for the cold gas. When a nuclear reaction occurs the gas is heated and then transported to the heat exchanger. It heats the water, producing steam and when the gas chills it travels to the bottom of the heat exchanger. There, using a gas blower it is blown back into the pressure vessel.
In conclusion, gas cooled reactor is a good example of effective and continuous electricity production, by using radioactive fuel.

Re: Diagram!! REVIEW PLEASE!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:09 am
by mhingz
on your first sentence, instead of using "the graph" use "the diagram"
as for " It is clear that it is a continuous process...", i suggest you directly state "It is a continuous process..."
i think the rest are fine...