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Task 2: Whether live a normal life is the best way to stay healthy and keep fit? Please help me to assess it, thanks!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:33 pm
by dothihiep
In some societies it is increasingly common to try to achieve good health and fitness through physically demanding sports, special diets, or preventive medicine convention or alternative. Some people, however, believe that the best way to stay fit and healthy is simply to lead a normal life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is witnessed in some countries about the rise of people who try many practices, such as physically exhausted activities, special dietary or conventional as well as alternative preventive medicine, in order to stay in shape and healthy. However, the opponents claim that living simply is the optimal choice. Personally, I hold the position of leading a normal live for better health and fitness.

The common trend of demanding sports, exclusive diets, or preventive medicine could result in detrimental effects on health and fitness if the people were unaware of their physical status. First, extreme activities may impair the health of the individuals who have either heart related or respiratory problems. Additionally, special diets and preventive medicine should be recommended by knowledgeable nutrition doctors; otherwise, they would cause counterproductive outcomes. For instance, there were some negative cases on human organs’ diseases since the users were on unreasonable diets or abused alternative medicine advised by their friends or relatives. Consequently, instead of promoting health and keeping fit, those above mediums might lead to undesirable influences without the appropriately advisable schemes from doctors.

Therefore, leading a normal life is probably the key for bringing benefits to people in terms of both fitness and health. It is acknowledged that taking a walk everyday boosts positive mental and physical health. Everyone thus should simply walk regularly for short distance rather than using private vehicles or public transport; by that means, they can exercise without causing too much heart impulsion and they also can enjoy relaxation in mind. Simultaneously, a balanced diet is widely considered the fundamental to maintain a healthy life and stay in shape. Japan plays as a persuasive example for simple and well-balanced meals yet full of nutrition, vitamins and minerals, and the people there have tendency to longevity with fewer health issues.

In conclusion, while some supporters may argue that healthy lives can be acquired by exercising strenuously, special meals and preventive medication, I would contend that the goals of fitness and health are optimally derived from the simple and normal life of citizens. (343 words)