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Task 2: cigarette should be banned or not, please help me to assess my writing, thank you!

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:38 pm
by dothihiep
There is evidence that inhaling cigarette smoke causes health problems not only for smokers but for non-smokers who inhale other people’s smoke.
In view of this, smoking should be banned in all public places, even though this would restrict some people’s freedom of action. What are your views?

It is widely acknowledged that cigarette smoke leads to certain health issues for both active smokers and passive ones. The heated debate has been generating for decades about whether smoking should be freely accessed according to people’s desire or it should be prohibited in all public areas. Personally, I hold the position of anti-smoking in communal places.

Some people may argue that all humans have rights to pursue their desirable lifestyles as well as take responsibilities for any consequences. It means that they are freely to lead their lives in a way that positively facilitates their emotion and sensibility. For example, a person might opt for smoking to mitigate the stressful situation and to seek comfort when he or she encounters obstacles. Additionally, rights are always accompanied by obligations for the outcomes generated from any actions of citizens. It is admitted by many that smoking is likely to impair physical health of both smokers and non-smokers. Nevertheless, regardless of health issues related to smoking habits, smokers are probably not resisting the temptation of cigarette and continuing living with it later on, and it is the matter of free choice in the democratic societies.

On the contrary, despite people’s freedom, many advocates support the idea of forbidden smoking in every public site for the sake of society as a whole. Some recent research conducted in Vietnam has indicated that the respiratory problems and lung cancer have increased dramatically year by year because of inhaling cigarette fumes. Consequently, the patients have to bear the expensive medical expenses and long-term treatment for the above cases, which could either be cured eventually with considerable effort and money or cause fatal disease for the bearers. Furthermore, if people smoke in public spots, the youngsters are likely to imitate adults’ habit as it can be regarded as a stylish manner among their peers. It is thus vital to restrict smoking in any collective spaces to prevent harmful effect on human’s well-being.

In conclusion, although it cannot deny the importance of citizens’ freedom, I would contend that we should put the whole society’s health as the first place by restricting strongly the public smoking since it would cause negative issues to humans. (365 words)

Re: Task 2: cigarette should be banned or not, please help me to assess my writing, thank you!

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:58 pm
by Alex19
I like the structure of your essay.