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Task 2: Public library vs. digital technology -- Please help evaluate, Thanks

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:38 pm
by tingz
As digital technology develops, it dramatically changed the way we access and read books and consequently threatens the role of public library. Despite the functionality of public library is more than borrowing books in some cases, my view is that as the technology further advances, it will sooner or later entirely substitute public library.

One reason for arguing that new technology will replace libraries is that it really offers substential convenience to people's everyday life. Compared to libraries, digital technology is quite effortless for book delivery, most of the time digital access is as simple as a click on mouse, while physical distance and management process for library are the unavoidable factors that people will not be able to bypass, which will certainly result in meaningless time consumption and unexpected troubles. For example, if someone lives in courtryside where there is no library around, then it will be incredibly difficult to get a book from library, but much easier if digital technology is chosen.

A second argument for this standpoint is digital technology's environment-friendly trait. This is a significant point as the problem of deforestation is increasingly getting worse nowadays and we all know that paper-made books heavily relies on wood to produce. To make the world sustainable, along with that new technology continues its development on the current track, paper-made book and library will be a historical existance and vanish in the near future, while digital books obviously have a number of sustainable advantages including easily copied, quickly spreaded, and most importantly no wood waste.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that public library will step aside as digital technology progressively integrates with the world and people's life at a higher level, and its sustainable quality is another paramount bonus, as a powerful reason for digital technology to dominate the world.