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Please evaluate my writing task 2

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 2:53 pm
by wolfvieira
Topic 6: The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue tooutweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is known that English is becoming the most spoken language worldwide. In my opinion, the advantages of a unique language dominating the world outweigh the drawbacks.

There are several reasons why I agree that if the world spoke only one language would be easier. Firstly, if every single person could talk the same idiom, interchanging ideas and connecting people who lives far away from each other would be simpler. For example, lovers who are under a long-distance relationship or even anonymous which could talk on the Internet and become friends. Secondly, for companies like multinationals which franchising is the key to success, each individual whose have a store could keep in touch with their superiors more frequently. Thirdly, for those who are addicted to television, movies and series, if they were all displayed in the same language, they would become more accessible to broadcast all around the world.

On the other hand, there are some negative points if English was the world’s language. One point to consider is there would be a lost of each country’s culture. In another words, language variety made every culture unique and special. If everybody speaks the same dialect, there would be an immense lack of individualism and uniqueness. Moreover, the majority of tourists would be disinterested to visit another country as it is not interesting if they speak in the same way. Furthermore, when you are travelling and want to keep a secret with your travel partner without native people knowing it, it is awesome that others do not understand your own language. Changing this could be a major drawback also.

In conclusion, while I agree there are a lot of reasons that English should be the only language in the world, we also have some disadvantages if we decide to do this.