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Please Evaluate for Ielts writing Task 2

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 2:25 pm
To be intelligent is the most important characteristic of a leader. To what extent do you agree with it.

The most significant trait which must be held by a leader is intelligence. However, in my opinion, I believe that leader is a person who must shape the entire nation, community or organization. Therefore, intelligence is one of the important traits for a successful leader, but the most important quality is inspiration.
Intelligence is very important constituent for a successful leader, as one must face so many challenges which require a sharp and active mind. A leader’s abilities are always in trial and intelligence enables the person to sense upcoming challenges and ensure readiness to cope successfully. As leadership requires taking innovative steps which are not conveniently accepted by people with conventional approaches hence questions are continuously being raised on the skills and approaches applied by a leader. Consequently, a vigilant and intelligent person is capable of answering questions raised by his team members as well as opponents.
The most important quality of a great leader is the power to inspire because a leader needs followers that understand his message and support his actions. Most intelligent people fail to spread their message in an effective manner and eventually loose followers. The innovative and creative ideas are not accepted unless delivered effectively. A great leader believes in himself and inspires his followers with his inner confidence. People work harder to achieve their inspirations rather than smart and intelligent ideas.
In conclusion, it can be said that though intelligence is an important component of successful leaders, but only intelligence cannot make a great leader. To motivate a large group and people and reach the goal successfully, as a team, a leader must have the ability to inspire people.