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Politics on water

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:43 am
by amitsurani101
What is importance of water in politics, mass needs water for free where as it is sold by various modes.
Discuss the matter and give you opinion on water being sold.

It is believed that the next world war would be for water as it is increasingly becoming scarce as time passes, due to which many nations have put monitored usage of fresh water raising various debates on its distribution to the mass but it is true that all basic necessities should be for free.

Initiating the talk, we all agree that three fourth portion of the globe is covered with water but from these resources less than 1% is usable. Mass usage of water in various sectors has raised many consequences as to the usage as well as conservation. Earlier times water was considered as a free resource and not to be bartered with any other item but today, water has become a business for many.

Water being the basic necessity, the availability and supplies has become the political agenda for most of the party leaders. We find strong commitments from leaders on making water available which are at discretion of people to decide on its success. We have also witnessed that water had also been tool to topple the governments. Hence it has its own importance in modern politics as prime agenda to over weigh opponents.

We all know that since couple of decades water was used as a tool for earning in many ways but today, it has become the professional business as many national and multinational companies have started selling the bottled drinking water and even small scale units have also started flourishing. Water is not the thing which human made, it is purely a divine gift and people have started making money out of it.

Agglomerating all the points elaborated above it can be concluded that by any means whether it is made political agenda or the basic necessity, water is the natural resource and should be for free.