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please evaluate my writing

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 8:08 am
by Ligy
some parents buy their children whatever they ask for,and allow their children to do whatever they want.Is this a good way to raise children?what consequences could this lifestyle of parenting have for children as they get older?

It is true that nowadays parents are trying to fulfill all the desires of their offsprings and give them the freedom to do the things they like.This essay explains that this is not an appropriate way to upbringing the children and the drawbacks are children cannot handle financial failures when they get older and also face difficulty in following rules and regulations of an institution.

To begin with, fulfilling all the wishes and allowing to do the things without any restriction is not an appropriate way to raise children.This may due to the fact that that children may not know the value of money because parents give them whatever they want without any hesitation. Hence, they think that earning money is an easy process and not bothered about the hard work of their parents.For instance, a recent study conducted among school children in India had reveled that 68% of them are not aware of the value of money. Moreover, children are more likely to engage in illegal activities if parents give them full freedom. This is because they are not able to differentiate right and wrong things.It is the responsibility of the parents to guide them and correct their mistakes. For example, school children who are involved in bad friendships is the lack of guidance from their parents.

children would face serious problems due to bad parenting, when they became adults. Firstly, they may experience difficulty in facing financial crisis. This is because parents rear their children by providing all facilities they can offer and at the time of financial difficulties children cannot cope up with the situation. For example, children who got all facilities at childhood are more likely to ended up in a disaster at the time of economic downturn . In addition to this, these type of parenting may also affect the peoples work environment. They may face difficulty in working under supervision as they are nurtured in a way to act freely. Employees who are questioning the rules and regulations of an institution is the prime example.

To conclude, proving all the facilities and freedom for the children may causes serious consequence when they get older. It is recommended for the parents to teach their children the value of money and correct their mistakes at the early age, so that they would not feel difficulty in facing adversities at life in future.