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Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:25 pm
by hemantsharma90
Nowadays there is a rapid increase of rubbish amounts all around the world. What are the main causes for it? What can be a solution, in your opinion?

Increased amount of garbage has been produced in both developed and developing countries, which is one of the biggest concerned of this decade. In my opinion, the main reasons are rapid change in technology, modern lifestyle and industrialization. Government and individuals should take immediate actions to counter the issue.

To begin with, the amount of waste products has increased dramatically over the period of time. This problem is a result of our modern lifestyle. Dependency on packed food has increased dramatically nowadays and instead of making food at home, people prefer ready-made or packed food such as burgers and pizzas. Thus, it leads to higher amount of trash. Moreover, population has increased significantly in last few centuries, which simply means that extra waster will be produced by them. Additionally, advertising is making the condition bad; many ads encourage people to buy new clothes and gadgets. Furthermore, 21st century is the era of industrialization and many industries are generating chemical waste which is on one side contamination our environment and other side inviting many diseases. In addition to that, change in technology has made the problem even worse, as people have become materialistic and they want to acquire upgraded gadgets which have new features and moreover, these products are not recyclable which is increasing the amount of waste.

To mitigate the problem, government has to play crucial role in it. There are various initiatives which can be taken. Firstly, various types of awareness campaigns can be put into place in order to communicate disadvantages of these modern products as many people are unaware and they are polluting our environment unintentionally. Secondly, government can make legislation to promote the usage of recyclable products which will help in reducing the waste material. For example, recently, in India, the government issued guidelines for tire industry to use eco-friendly rubbed in their factories so that the same can be recycled after its use. Therefore, they were able to reduce the garbage significantly. Last but not least, heavy taxes should be imposed on industries and products which produce waste in large quantities.

To conclude, government and individuals will have to come forward to counter the issue and to provide better future to our upcoming generations.

Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:11 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

This is a good essay. The ideas are clear, developed to some extent and sensible.

Vocabulary is generally good, but be careful with some word forms (biggest concerned) and spelling (rubbed).

Grammar isn't great, but you have used a variety of structures and there are examples of error-free sentences.

Well done!


Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:51 pm
by Flick
hemantsharma90 wrote:Nowadays there is a rapid increase of rubbish amounts all around the world. What are the main causes for it? What can be a solution, in your opinion?

An increasing amount of garbage is being produced in both developed and developing countries, which is one of the biggest concerns of this decade. In my opinion, the main reasons are rapid change in technology, modern lifestyle and industrialization. Government and individuals should take immediate actions to counter the issue.

To begin with, the amount of waste products has increased dramatically over a short period of time. This problem is a result of our modern lifestyle. Dependency on packaged food has increased dramatically and instead of making food at home, people prefer ready-made or packaged food such as burgers and pizzas. Thus, it leads to more trash. Moreover, the world's population has increased significantly in the last few centuries, which simply means that extra waste is being produced. Additionally, advertising is making the problem worse; many ads encourage people to buy new clothes and gadgets. Furthermore, the 21st century is the era of industrialization and many industries are generating chemical waste which is contaminating our environment and causing many diseases. In addition to that, changing technology has made the problem even worse, as people have become materialistic and they want to acquire upgraded gadgets which have new features. Moreover, these products are not recyclable which is increasing the amount of waste.

To mitigate the problem, the government has a crucial role to play. There are various initiatives which can be taken. Firstly, various types of awareness campaigns can be put in place in order to communicate the disadvantages of these modern products as many people are unaware and they are polluting our environment unintentionally. Secondly, the government can make legislation to promote the usage of recyclable products which will help in reducing waste material. For example, recently in India, the government issued guidelines for the tire industry to use eco-friendly rubber in their factories so that the same can be recycled after its use. As a result, they were able to reduce the waste significantly. Last but not least, heavy taxes should be imposed on industries and products which produce waste in large quantities.

To conclude, government and individuals will have to take action to counter the issue and to provide a better future to our upcoming generations.