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Task 2 : Big Companies attracts people: pros and cons

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:15 pm
by sweetypatel
Essay topic: Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products. What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage people to buy local products?

Big companies, nowadays, have been using their huge funds over advertisements to attract consumers from worldwide, due to which, it has been difficult for the local shops and the businesses to compete. This huge transformation in the market has not only impacted an individual, but also the society as a whole. Some steps need to be taken promote regional businesses.

These changes in trend have affected the world at two levels. Firstly, people are becoming habituated with the unnecessary shopping because of the marketing strategies of the multi-national companies. These companies are using all the types of communication to influence the tendency of the consumer to purchase the product which they might not need. This could lower the financial position of the citizen. For example, owing to the advertisements of a big sale, a person can purchase a smartphone, even though he owns the cell phones. Secondly, local communities have been affected adversely by the expansion of the international brands. This expansion has almost put an end to the local or traditional trade which causes rise in unemployment and lower standards of people involved. For instance, the closure of hand-made Indian cloths called “Bandhani” has ruined many workshops making all of their employees unemployed. Owing to this, these workers are facing difficulties to earn their bread. Thus, big marketing has many gloomy consequences.

However, some measures are required to lower these cynical implications. Firstly, the government should introduce some subsidies for local markets to help them in production and advertisement. For example, financial aids to purchase industrial plots to regional manufacturers could help them to manufacture and to promote their commodities. Secondly, awareness program should be introduced to make people aware of the benefits of locally produced merchandise. For instance, the great Indian leaders have started programs to urge people to use domestic products. Finally, local businessmen could also use smart approaches to advertise their products. A prime example is an adoption of social networks like Facebook or Instagram as a platform for promotion. Thus, the regime and local entrepreneur both together can make sure adequate steps have taken to pull the customers towards them.

To conclude, the big firms have used their huge part of the fund for marketing their products which have resulted in the change of consumer tendency to purchase branded products. This alarming trend has definitely affected people and local communities. However, some essential actions are required to lessen these negative dominations.

Please give me approximate band score for my essay.

Re: Task 2 : Big Companies attracts people: pros and cons

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:30 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

In your introduction, you say that steeps need to be taken to promote local businesses, but then in the first main paragraph you state that we need to reduce consumer spending. How do those two fit together?

You then mention subsidies in the next paragraph, but the examples you give do not seem to be related to government money? Why does the government need to get involved with what small businesses post on Facebook and Instagram? It seems very strange to me!

Overall, I don't think you have answered the question. You have certainly not used vocabulary and grammar to create a reasonable argument. It's not even clear that you have understood the question.

Besides, I fundamentally disagree with your premise. There are plenty of small companies in existence and more are being founded every day. So, is it really so difficult for smaller companies to compete with large ones?

All the best,

Re: Task 2 : Big Companies attracts people: pros and cons

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:48 pm
by sweetypatel
Thanks David for your suggestions.

First paragraph answers first question so I wrote unnecessary spending is one of the problems.
Usage of facebook and instagram is step to be taken by local business not the government. As question is in general about the measures to be taken not by only government.


Re: Task 2 : Big Companies attracts people: pros and cons

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:35 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

OK, but unnecessary spending will affect both large and small companies and social media can also be used by companies of all sizes, so these points are essentially irrelevant as neither will specifically result in people buying more local products.

All the best,

Re: Task 2 : Big Companies attracts people: pros and cons

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:40 pm
by Flick
sweetypatel wrote:Essay topic: Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products. What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage people to buy local products?

Big companies, nowadays, use their huge funds for advertisements to attract consumers worldwide. Due to this, it has become difficult for the local shops and businesses to compete. This huge transformation in the market has not only impacted individuals, but also the society as a whole. Some steps need to be taken promote regional businesses.

These changes in trend have affected the world on two levels. Firstly, people are spending more on unnecessary items because of the marketing strategies of multi-national companies. These companies are using all types of communication to influence the tendency of the consumer to purchase a product which they might not need. This could lower the financial position of the citizen. For example, owing to the advertisements of a big sale, a person can purchase a smartphone even though he already owns a cell phone. Secondly, local communities have been affected adversely by the expansion of international brands. This expansion has almost put an end to the local or traditional trade, which has caused a rise in unemployment and lower standards of people involved.(<--I don't understand. What do you mean 'lower standards of people involved'?) For instance, the loss of popularity of hand-made Indian cloths called “Bandhani” has ruined many workshops, making all of their employees unemployed. Owing to this, these workers are facing difficulties earning a living. Thus, big marketing has many gloomy consequences.

However, some measures are required to lower these cynical implications. Firstly, the government should introduce some subsidies for local markets to help them in production and advertisement. For example, financial aid for regional manufacturers to purchase industrial plots could help them to manufacture and promote their commodities. Secondly, awareness programs should be introduced to make people aware of the benefits of locally produced merchandise. For instance, the great Indian leaders(<--Who?) have started programs to urge people to use domestic products. Finally, local businessmen could also use smart approaches to advertise their products. A prime example is an adoption of social networks like Facebook or Instagram as a platform for promotion. Thus, the government and local entrepreneur both together can make sure adequate steps are taken to attract more customers.

To conclude, the big firms have used a huge part of their budget for marketing their products, which has resulted in a change of consumer tendencies to purchase branded products. This alarming trend has definitely affected people and local communities. However, some essential actions are required to lessen these negative effects.
