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Hello...please review my essay

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:55 pm
by ali15
Some people think distance-learning programmes can never be as good as courses taken in person. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays the world is witnessing a huge development in teaching methods. This can be seen where students can chose between distance learning and conventional learning. It is agreed that distance learning programs can not be as effective as courses taken in person. This will be proven by looking at how traditional class helps students to develop their life skills and how it allows students to have practical experiences.

Firstly, conventional teaching method helps to improve student’s important life skills. For example, student in class tend to discuss some topics with each other and that helps to develop their communication skills. This example clearly shows that interacting with other in class will make students feel more confident and that will have positive ramification in student’s working life and this trend distance learning can not do. Thus, distance learning will never be as good as traditional class.

Secondly, conventional class allows student to gain practical experience. For instance, in most traditional class student are required to perform lab experiments and make a report about it. This example illustrate that these kinds of experiments will have a satisfactory result as it will increase student knowledge and will help them in future career, however that is not possible with distance learning. Therefore, distance learning will not be better than normal class course.

In conclusion, after analyzing how traditional class helps to develop important life skills and how it provide students with rewarding hand on experience, it is crystal clear that distance learning can not be as effective as conventional class course. It is recommended that this sort of teaching method can be supplement to normal classes.