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Writing Task !

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:53 am
by Nepal123
Hello Ryan ,

I really would like to thanks you for sharing such useful tips and idea to us . As, my ielts exam is approaching near and near . I am so, worry about it . So, I have done writing task 1 .
Could you please review it and let me know how much I get score and please let me know my weakness point . Your help would be highly appreciated .

Here is the screenshot of diagram

And , I have done writing practice from it .

The table illustrates the expenditure on 3 items ( Food/Drinks/Tobacco , Clothing / Footwear and Leisure/ Education)
by consumer in 5 different countries ( Ireland , Italy , Spain , Sweden and Turkey) in 2002.

Overall , the most money spent in the items was on Food/Drinks/Tobacco in all countries . Whereas the lowest expenditure was
on Leisure/Education . The expenditure of turkey overall was the higher than the other countries .

In terms of Food/Drinks/Tobacco , Turkey was the most high major country to spent (32.14%) . The expenditure of Ireland was also high (28.91%)
compared to Span (18.80%) . Similarly , Italy and Sweden were the least expenditure which were 16.36 % and 15.77 % respectively .

Likewise , Ireland , Spain and Turkey were almost the same percentage to spent on Clothing/Footwear ( 6.43% , 6.51% and 6.63 % respectively ) .
The high money spent was Italy in this items (9.00%) where the least money spent was Sweden (5.40% ) in the given year .

On the other hand , the least expenditure was on Leisure/Education comparison with other items in all 5 countries . Turkey spent most of these items at just 4.35 %
. Italy and Sweden spent 3.20 % and 3.22 % respectively compared to Ireland (2.21% ) . Spain was the least country to spent at 1.98 .