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Please score my writing part 2 :)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:17 am
by Harvey00771
Beside a lot of advantages, some people believe that the Internet creates many problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is an irrefutable fact that the internet has totally transformed the way we live our lives, nevertheless some people believe that it has done more harm than good. This essay completely disagrees with the fact that the internet can create many problems. Firstly, the internet has made shopping more convenient and secondly, the world wide web encourages people to access knowledge easily.

The Internet has provided humans to shop with convenience and fast service which is something that humans desire in this fast paced world. With just one click, people can order anything from a single pen to a motorcycle to their doorstep. For instance, websites like Amazon, ebay have created an e-commerce environment where people can buy or sell things according to their needs and convenience. Consequently, people now are privileged to have the opportunity to shop while sitting at home as such which can solve their many problems.

In addition, before when people had little acquaintance regarding any subject, they had to go to the library. However now, individuals without having to go to any library, are able to graph knowledge on subject matter of their liking. For example, free encyclopedia sites like wikipedia are used by numerous people to acquire understanding on anything. Furthermore, sites like these are regularly updated in order to keep up with the current world. Unquestionable, people nowadays are equipped with far more knowledge to solve or resolve current world problems.

To conclude, for people to say that the internet creates many problems is an overstatement. If people know how to use the internet for their benefit then it can be far more useful than harmful.