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Writing task 2 please evaluate

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:28 pm
by habibka
Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

After the invention of the internet, the amount of information has increased dramatically. I have not exaggerated If I say the amount of data produced today is more than the whole data that was written before the invention of the Internet. While many claim this information explosion is dangerous I believe it can be very beneficial. In this essay, I will support my opinion with reasons and examples.

Firstly, before the internet, accessing academic information was a nightmare. Whenever students needed an article or a book they had to borrow them from the library. For example, my uncle once told me that he wanted a book for his thesis but there was only one volume of that in the library which had already been borrowed by someone else, therefore he wrote down his name in the list of people who were waiting for that. As a result, he waited three months until he accessed that book. Fortunately, After the invention of the internet, this process became much easier. Students do not need to register their names anymore as they can download the books and articles just by connecting to the university network. There is no doubt that the impressive advance of technology was in adherence to information explosion.

Secondly, on the days when people were offline, the only sources of news were newspapers and television bulletins. These sources of information were mostly limited to domestic news and the editor's choice of interest. Due to the limited time and space, they can not cover everything that happens in the world. They have to choose the topics which they think are more important. For example, I rarely saw a newspaper that covers news of African countries, but instead, they are full of European ones. In contrast, the Invention of the internet changed it thoroughly; today people can follow the news from all over the world and based on their own interests. There are so many websites out there that I can sit the whole day reading the articles.

In conclusion, easy access to the information can reap many benefits to people who know how to use it. It has made the students’ life much easier and also international news has become more accessible.