Task2 Ryan's Essay structure

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Task2 Ryan's Essay structure

Post by ysinjab »


Currently I am reading a book called "Oxford: Effective academic writing 2". In "Opinion essay" chapter, there is a section about: Interpreting facts to support an opinion in a paragraph which follow this structure: Opinion -> Factual Example -> Interpretation. In addition, there is a part called "Counter Argument and refutation". This part explains how to refute an argument in a paragraph.

Since I already have Ryan's book "Task 2" and i use it in most of my essay writings, I have two questions:
  • In "Opinion -> Factual Example -> Interpretation" is the Interpretation is the discussion sentence or the conclusion in Ryan's essay paragraph structure? Because I am really confused, some of their examples I feel It is like a paragraph conclusion.
  • In Ryan's book there is a a chapter about concession, which is exactly similar to "Counter Argument and refutation" concept. But, the difference is they include the counter-argument inside the paragraph: following this style : Opinion -> Factual Example -> Interpretation -> counter-argument (optional). While Ryan's approach was a separate paragraph for it. What is the advantages and disadvantages of both styles?

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