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Can you imagine a bar diagram with this description. Rate it

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 12:18 pm
by drirfan02
The chart illustrates that the number of Ideal hours per week relished by men and women in various job situation in the time span of 1998-1999.

Overall, the data suggests that people who are not working have more time to spare than people who are employed, of which males have a bigger share of free hours. Also, it seems that women hold part-time jobs or are stay at home carers whereas no such data is given for men.

At first glance, it appears that men have more free time as compared to women. Employed men have around 45 hours per week whereas this is doubled for unemployed and retired men at about 85 hours each. No data is provided for part-time male workers.
On the other hand, women cherish less relaxation period with employed having nearly 38 hours per week and unemployed and retired just under 80 hours per week. An additional data for unemployed and housewives are provided where they cherish 40 and 50 hours per week respectively.