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problem and solutions essay

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:37 am
by ali15
Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major cities. Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big cities.
Today big cities are suffering from many problems. Traffic congestion is at the top of this problems. It is believed that the main causes of this problems are the movement of people from rural area to urban area, and also the uses of private vehicles. On this essay two measure will be analyzed for viability
First, government should develop mega cities lower infrastructure to accommodate the new arrival people with their car to it. For example, widening the existence motorways and build new highways, building more bridges and underground tunnels. As this example shows, taking this measure major cities will be capable to receive more automobiles are make it run smoothly without making any traffic jam. Thus, improving the streets, highways, bridges and underground tunnels is an efficient strategy to reduce traffic congestion in big cities.

Second, high authority has to promote individuals to use alternative ways to move around the city rather than driving their own cars. For instance, providing public transportation such as buses or trains that are reliable and cheap in price. This example illustrates that, making public transportation attractive and convenience to people will have a positive ramification as it will discourage the to use their own vehicles and this will decrease the number of private cars running in the cities as a result no traffic jam will happen. Thus, promoting the use of public transport is a viable option.

Inconclusion, after looking at how using private cars and the migration to big cities lead to traffic congestions. It has been proven that improving the lower infrastructure and encouraging the use of public transport system are the best ways to reduce traffic jam. It hoped that this measure are to be put into practice the worldover.