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Task1- reception area - please evaluate it. Thank you

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:19 am
by rairaichan0115
There have been several complaints about the reception area where visitors to your company arrive. Your manager has asked you to suggest how the reception area could be improved.

Write a letter to your manager. In your letter
 Describe the complaints that have been made
 Say why the reception area is important
 Suggest how the reception area could be improved

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing with regard to the several dissatisfactions with our reception section as well as offer my suggestions about how to address these issues.

Recently, we have received numbers of complaints about our reception area due to overcrowded and a long period of waiting. Those issues caused by only one receptionist to tackle numerous questions.

You must well aware that the front desk is a very significant area which is represented our organization. It may give negative images to our visitors if it does not work efficiently.

Therefore, I have some suggestions for improving our services. Firstly, I would recommend to enlarge our reception area and provide more furniture. So that our customers can sit comfortably while they are waiting. Furthermore, there is only one receptionist working. I would suggest recruiting a second receptionist to work there. Consequently, it can reduce their waiting time.

Indeed, I hope you can take my suggestions into serious consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Jenny Chan