Become an IELTS Network teacher and run your own section of this site!

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Become an IELTS Network teacher and run your own section of this site!

Post by Ryan »

If you are an online IELTS content creator, you may be interested in publishing your material to this website as an IELTS Network teacher. What this means is that you would have a forum dedicated entirely to your work (see example) and would be free to post anything you like to this forum, including any paid material you want to market to this community. Any new topic started in your forum would also appear in the IELTS Network Facebook feed, which currently is followed by over 270,000 people. The IELTS Network would never claim ownership of any material posted by you in your forum.

A few of the benefits of becoming an IELTS Network teacher:
  • A link to your forum would appear on the landing page of this site.
  • You would have access to the targeted IELTS related traffic that comes into this site every month (currently 40,000+ unique hits).
  • You can post direct sales links to your products. This site will not claim any of the income you make from your activity on this site.
  • Any new topic that appears in your forum would also be posted to the IELTS Network Facebook page.
  • You retain ownership of everything you post in your forum and can close your forum anytime you like with no questions asked.
Please remember that this website operates as a platform for discussion, so other users will be apply to comment on your material publicly. Instructors with strong material can expect this public discourse to help snowball their online audience.

Interested instructors please contact me at
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