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Please evaluate my essay

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:05 pm
by Ligy
some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers,whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.discuss both views and give your own opinion ?

Some would argue that teachers should not give home assignments to their pupils,while others say that homework would assist the students to perform well in academics.This essay agrees with the statement that assignments after school hours are not acceptable as it puts students under pressure as well as take away their time for extra curricular activities.

On the one hand,it is believed that, homework is an inevitable part of traditional educational system as it improves the educational performance of students.The supporters of this view claimed that children would be in touch with study materials even after the school hours while doing homework.This enables them to get a deeper understanding of the topic ,which they had studied at school, and they can also clarify their doubts, which pop up during home work, with their teacher at the very next day that would help them to achieve high scors in exams.For instance,students from Asian schools, which are following homework system,are the top scorers of subjects such as maths and science internationally.However,i believe that revising study materials after school hours would be a stressful task for most of the students because they may experience difficulty in focusing subjects after long school hours.

On the other hand,home assignments are not necessary as it puts the students under pressure and they may lack interest in studying. This is because children have to spent almost same as school hours for doing assignments at home which may prevent them from engaging in physical activities. Moreover,parents are also bullying their children for studying. As a results of this, pupils may develop a negative attitude towards studying and sometimes they may also fail in exams.For example,a recent study conducted among school children in India reveals that 70 percent of children are against home assignments as it increases the stress level.I believe that, schools should focus on the holistic development of the children that may only possible through allowing them to involve in extra curricular activities.

To conclude,although homework enables the students to perform well at school,it creates stress and anxiety among students and they may also lack time for relaxation.It is recommended that schools authorities should facilitate students to complete their assignments at school time.