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Please , I need your feed back .. ThanK you in advance

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 4:59 pm
by Elseady2014
Q : News is a source of knowledge about the world. How much can we trust the journalists? What are the qualities a good journalist should have?


News, the daily updated source of information, has become a controversial debate in recent years. Some people advocate that we can't take Journalism as a trusted set of data. I am supportive of the point that Journalists should have strict criteria to be fully trusted. This essay will discuss pressure free environment and objectivity as the two crucial requirements for journalism to be trustworthy.

Press, exploring the facts, has to undergo certain qualifications to gain the public trust . The first crucial criteria is to work without being influenced by 3rd party groups. Many newspapers, magazines and TV channels are controlled by political parties , as a consequence , their news misleads the public interest. For example, Aljazera, a well know news channel , is owned by powerful political party , thus delivering news in a different way which affects people' perspective towards a particular issue. as this example shows it is a must for a journalist to be trusted to work for fair agency without being influenced by political or financial pressure.

Objectivity, being the most sensitive issue of delivering information, has to be followed by all reporters. By pursuing the original sources of information. journalists could be trusted. For instance, independent news agency , the CNN conveys many incidents live from where they occur , as a result viewers have the change to build their opinions objectively with out being misdirected. Needless to say that objectivity is another pivotal qualification for journalism to be credible. .

In conclusion, it is undeniable that news serves people with updated knowledge on daily basics. I once reaffirm my position that by chasing objectivity and working without political or financial pressure, Journalists could be fully trusted.