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Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:44 pm
by FastTrackIELTS
25 FEB 2017
New Zealand

Task 1
Two bar charts. The first section discussed the populations in Wales and England in 1770 and 2000. The section second was comparing death and birth rates in the same times and countries.

Task 2
Some people think an international car-free day is an effective way to reduce air pollution. Others think there are more effect ways to do this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Part 1
Do you work or study?
Do you have to work hard?
What do you usually do after work?
How do you spend time with friends?
What kind of TV program do you watch?
Did you watch a lot of TV when you were young?
Do you do the housework?
Is there a household chore you dislike?
Did you help around the house much when you were a child'?
Do you think it is important for children to help with the housework at home?

Part 2
Describe a cafe you have been to recent. Say:
- Who you went with
- Why you went there
- What you ate or drink

Part 3
Why do some people disliking inviting friends to their own house?
Some people think they don't know a person until you go to their house, do you agree?
We weren't supposed to live in a big city surrounded by strangers, what do you think?

Thanks Nat!

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